Sunday, February 1, 2015

Instagram Favorites: January


   Have you ever find some cool blogs + bloggers in Instagram? My answer is, obviously, yes! Usually I didn't know them because they don't do ad / button swaps with blogs I usually read, but that doesn't mean they don't have cool blogs! Here are some lists of 'em! (Some of them are just cool Instagram-ers that don't have blog, so ...)

1. @pepperandtwine

   I still don't know about her secrets of how to make and write beautiful journals! I am not a master of decorating journals - although, yes I have a journal (for topic ideas, visit here). And for y'all journal-writers, you must follow this awesome account. IT'S SO FREAKIN' AWESOME.

2. @graciusblog

   Seriously, her stationeries are freakin'ly cute and unique! She also have some helpful tips and recipes and many more! Plus, her cat is very, very, very ... cute ...
   And ... don't forget to visit her awesome blog here.

3. @bella.renehan

   Pale pink + gray = perfect! That's how I told you about her blog - seriously, it's simple, but also colorful! And it's full of things we love - DIYs and fashions! You can find 'em here ... go on!

4. @pastellights

   Seriously, who doesn't love pastel colors? From its name, you know that it's full of pastel colors, and well ... yes, it's true! Her Instagram, her blog ... pastel colors everywhere! And she have so much cool DIYs and fashion inspirations ... here!

5. @wildzest

   She's a traveling blogger, you know, that's why ... she has many cool landscape photos! Her blog is unbelievably simple - but its header is so colorful! If you are one of those traveling pants, you must check her Instagram and blog, you know!

6. @a_scone_atatime

   Yummy! Cakes, breads, coffees, foods, sweet things, wrapped in one Instagram! Seriously, this makes me hungry! And y'all bloggers can also get hungry - she has a blog!


   And that's all my favorite Instagrams of January! Do you have any favorite Instagram accounts?

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