Wednesday, May 6, 2015

#1st Year Anniversary! + Giveaway

   Hi, folks! Long time no see, eh? First, sorry for my long absence, because currently I'm preparing for my exams. Almost all my times are filled with textbooks, notebooks, papers ... But then, I found this awesome book in the bookstore!

   It's a book about vintage-decorating by Luthfi Hasan, a vintage 'guru' from Jakarta. It filled with awesome views of places with vintage atmospheres, from a cafe to a hotel. Although it's a bit pricey, but it's worth it, I think.

   The best part? The ...


*dancing around a bit*
   So, who wants to receive it? I'm a bit bored and I want to send it to fellow bloggers who want it! Send me a comment saying if you want it & send me your address through the e-mail. Here's the postcards:

   I am really happy if you send a postcard, too, so please say in your comment / e-mail saying if you want to send too or not. The rules are:

1. You are a blogger. I prefer craft blogger
2. (Not necessary, but I really appreciate it) You have to share this to a friend you think will like to receive a postcard. 
3. After you receive my postcard, please tell me and put my button in your blog. If you want, I can put your button too :D but please tell me!

   Please say what kind of theme do you want me to write in the postcard. It can be about the photo in the postcard, the quote's meaning for me, etc. Or about myself. I don't like writing about really personal things, so maybe I'll tell you more about my neighborhood, or city, or country. 

So, are you in?

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